Aeration: To all boat owners with inboard engines: Next time you haul your vessel, check the rudders for pitting and in extreme cases pitting of the propellors. If you notce pitting on the rudders your propellors could very well be the wrong pitch or diameter. This pitting occurs when the wrong pitch or diameter props are installed.
In order to avoid hiring someone who does not have the knowledge and expertise to survey your vessel or one that you wish to purchase, it is best to find a Surveyor who is a member in an accrediting organization that requires their members to meet strict professional and ethical standards. Please Note: The State of Florida currently does not license Marine Surveyors so in effect anyone can title him or herself as a marine surveyor.
I am an expert at finding the SMOKING GUNS in marine related cases. Over twenty years as a marine surveyor and serving as an expert in a number of maritime cases in both State and Federal Court enables me to study the documentation related to boats, marine accidents and marine related activity and find the documents that will help you bring your case to a successful conclusion; documents that may well be overlooked by associates and paralegals who are not familiar with the terminology and science of the marine field.

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