The McIntyre Company renovated existing retail buildings and constructed three new retail/restaurant buildings, transforming the aging Country Club Shopping Center into a first-class neighborhood shopping center. Project Type: Renovation of existing retail buildings and construction of three new retail/restaurant buildings.
DJP Engineering, Inc. is provided consulting services to the City of San Dimas including civil and structural design, traffic engineering support, and land surveying. Project Type: Street and sidewalk reconstruction, parkway beautification, Rhoads Park grading and drainage improvements. Project Type: Topographic and route surveying, street improvement plans and retaining wall design.
DJP Engineering, Inc. began providing Southern California Edison land surveying and engineering services in 2013. Projects include design of substation and transmission line improvements, site investigations, access road design, field and traffic engineering support in Central and Southern California as well as Southern Nevada.
DJP Engineering, Inc. has worked with several local developers on the redevelopment of urban parcels of land which provide affordable housing through the renovation of historic buildings and construction of new housing units. Project Type: Renovation of the historic Evanston Inn and construction of new condominium units.

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